​Where the Fish Heads mix of vintage rock, pop, country and bluegrass lives!!!
​​Big Fish Tunes​

great night with Chuck and Sandi Millar and also Kim and Quillan Roe...amazing singers and songwriters.

So fun for Mike and Kim to play percussion . Mike is a rock and roll drummer who does not get to drum enough...this was a great chance for us to band on some heads!

Having some fun on a less "formal" stage, as you can see by Mike's attire.

great night with Chuck and Sandi Millar and also Kim and Quillan Roe...amazing singers and songwriters.

Hi Kim, AKA Mamma Guppy
Thanks for sharing cool video of the Fisheads wearing my Fishhead T-shirts onstage. You guys are great musicians.. and I can tell you've been playing together for awhile. You're tight..and your voice is amazing!
Check out my band's music on Spotify or iTunes sometime. We're the Ratfish Wranglers. There might be a couple of my fishy songs you guys would like to cover.
Keep on rockin' it !
Ray Troll
P.O. Box 8874
Ketchikan, AK